Random Wisdom

Tag: wlan


by on Jan.15, 2006, under Hardware, Software

Yup! My favorite PC just regained Net connectivity today. I moved into the new apartment this morning and was up and running by the evening. The guy who I share the place with wasn’t around and so I would have had to wait till I got the info about the wireless network. So, instead of waiting, I just decided to see what kind of a WLAN he has … and oh my oh my … there were 5 freakin’ access points around — and 3 of them completely unsecured! As it turned out, one belonged to the dude I share the place with …

Anyway, then I decided to catch up on my TV eps (Stargate SG1/Atlantis, Threshold, Supernatural, Doctor Who) and f*** the speed sux! It’s a bloody T-Online DSL1000 Flat deal. Anyway, the IP I got was “”, so I deduced that the router should be at “” or “”. And sure enough there it was in the first address. Obviously, it asked me for a password that I didn’t know. So, I just tried “admin:1234” .. and nope, no go .. Then I thought I’d just do a little net search. The router was NETGEAR (deduced from the WLAN SSID), so I just googled “netgear default password” and the 4th hit came up with “admin:password”. Turns out the guy didn’t even change that password 😀 So, I got in, fiddled around with the NAT settings and Azureus was NAT free in no time. This has got to be the prime example of an unsecured network …

Anyway, once the guy got back, I explained everything to him and changed the router password and setup a WEP-key. It seems there was a machine leeching off of this net and things improved a little once that dude got kicked out. It turns out DSL6000 costs just as much as he pays right now — but he has no use for so much bandwidth when I’m gone — so we’ll just change to DSL2000 with 384k upload for now. That should be enough for me to download the occasional SG1 / Doctor Who episode 😀

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