Random Wisdom

Tag: errors

Duplicate identifiers with hyperref in pdflatex

by on Oct.01, 2007, under LaTeX

The following warning is fairly common when hyperref is used with PDFLaTeX:

! pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) ha
s been already used, duplicate ignored

The solution is to use the ‘plainpages=false‘ option with hyperref.

However, this appears to be insufficient for the article class with the ‘titlepage‘ option. To remedy the warning the following is additionally needed around the \maketitle in the body of the document:


By switching the style of page counter before and after the title page, any ambiguity regarding page numbers is resolved (title page is logically page 1 but LaTex re-initiates the counter on the actual page 1 – leading to 2 successive page 1s).

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MATLAB 7 SP2 on FC4 (x86_64)

by on Aug.25, 2005, under How To ..., Linux, Software

The installer will not run on a default install. To get that working, I needed to install the xorg-x11-deprecated-libs.x86_64 package. It appears to contain some libraries needed by the graphical installer. Once installed, the 64bit version spits out the following error (the 32bit install is fine):

*** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000000598840 ***

The fix is:


It’s best to put these lines at the top of $MATLAB/bin/.matlab7rc.sh
(where $MATLAB is the installation directory).

Got this little hint from the MATLAB Support site.

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